God has been filling my time and life to the full during our desert stay. We are currently at a state park near Tucson Arizona, a lovely spot surrounded by a forest of Saguaros and views of the Picacho Peaks. Even though there are nice hikes here, God has not let me venture out from this living space.
The way He works in this form is extraordinary, and I am in constant of awe of what He does. This recent past has been a battle with astral powers and entities. There was a time during my Mystical Crucifixion when these entities were prevalent. Following Mother’s example, I kept my mind on God, determined to have His Light and power first middle and last. This last week there have been times when the fight has been fierce, but I have no fear of them or what they can do, for I know that Light is greater than darkness, love eradicates fear, and peace transcends mischief making and turbulence.
During the evening hours a week ago, I felt a tremendous burning on the back of my neck. There was no outward reason for this—God told me this was a dark astral force at work. It left a red burn mark and several puncture type wounds that remained for much of the week. The initial pain was terrific, like being branded on the inside; the after-effect was a constant pain that gradually subsided along with the marks healing. God let me know this was all connected with a dear soul who needed some help in their experiences and coincided with a tragic event where school children were murdered. It is powerful and wonderful how God works in this way, even from great distances.
Later in the week a strange astral force stung the back of my hand with pins and barbs—nothing material could be seen to cause this sharp pain. During this same period I was aware that astral forces were trying to gain entry—all this and an item that simply disappeared—it has made this quite a week. Mother spoke of battling these forces, and her powerful declaration that she would not allow these forces to prevail. With absolute focus on the Light, there is no doubt about the outcome—God will prevail, it is matter of striving forward and keeping Him first.
There was a time when Papa said that recently strange things had been occurring, and Swamiji said, “Only lately Papa!” In truth God’s work always keeps things interesting. There is nothing I would rather be doing than His work, to be His instrument, and even if He takes me to places that challenge me to the core, it is only an opportunity for Him to demonstrate His ultimate power and intelligence for overcoming. Is there anyplace that God is not? He is everywhere-present. Even in His greatest darkness—look deeper and behold His Light, the first-born of all creation.