What a blessed occasion to be focused on our dear Param-guru, Paramhansa Yogananda. Master was born on January 5, and thus we and the world were blessed. Sometimes in our rush to heap accolades upon such a great soul there is a tendency, especially with a spiritual master, to discount his humanness. This, even though the Master, especially rare for the times in which he was writing, gives many detailed glimpses into the workings of his humanity.
Master writes of petitioning God for a revelation, and his tears flow in anguish for a divine response. This is not the cool-calm of a meditating yogi, but a tremendous depth of feeling for God that many can relate to. Being a bhakta, Master had a powerful emotional life and in his early days could be subject to moods. Sri Yukteswarji worked on his disciple to rise above such moods. To have true self-mastery the influence of moods must be conquered—only emotions directed toward knowing God are cultivated.
After a grave disappointment by someone close to Master, he actually thought of returning to India; having been in America for just a few years. He took time to go to Mexico where he thoroughly enjoyed the people. Master was obviously questioning much of the work he had done here in America and this was a time of serious doubt. During this uncertainty Divine Mother told Master he should stay and continue his work here. It changed not only his life, but our lives as well. If Master had left, Mother’s life would have been completely different. With Mother’s life so altered, our lives would be radically changed from how they currently are. It all seemed to hang by a thread, but thankfully Master kept his mind on God and fully surrendered to Divine Mother’s will.
We can imagine that Master was above everything, not affected by what came at him—and there was plenty that did come his way. But the notion that he was above it all would take away from his tremendous accomplishments. True, God could lift him above the tumult of life, but Divine Will ordains for many spiritual masters to be subject to the vicissitudes of life in order to demonstrate how to move through life’s many problems; to be an example for keeping the focus of attention on God throughout it all. Even when the body gives out, when friends betray you and the world mounts a campaign against you, you can find, even as Master found, the inner strength to go on. It is through such self-mastery that you learn about your own potential, and to deny a spiritual master’s humanity is to negate some of his greatest lessons for you.
Just the fact that Master was born into a family with siblings, a regimented father and a compassionate mother began a human play that surrounded Master with love and support, as well as many challenges along the way (just as in all families). His desire for freedom and God made school seem slow and plodding, he disappointed his father by not joining the train business—instead he founded a school based on ancient yogic principles that also incorporated modern education.
Master left India, a rarity in his day, to come to the West to bring the message of liberating yoga. Many came to hear his talks, a few stayed to really follow his teachings, and of those a very few devoted their lives to realizing the great truths Master came to bring, and fewer yet fulfilled the ultimate goal—union with God. Disappointment in those who could not or would not follow the teachings was part of the human cost for Master.
He was born into and lived a human life, and Master most notably attained divine liberation. As such, his birth is truly worthy of celebration. Through his words, music, poetry and his magnificent example he continues to teach us about universal yoga, or union with God. Through his ongoing emanation of vibrations, he is actively lifting all attuned souls into higher consciousness so that struggling aspirants may become what he is—one with God.