May Christ Be Risen in You Today

Jesus out of the Tomb

“May Christ be risen in you today, is an ancient orthodox Christian greeting on Easter morning,” John Durkin wrote to me in an email; he sent those greetings on to me and, in turn, I send them on to you. I thought it such a beautiful blessing, and contains in it the implicit message that the Christ story is every man’s hidden potential—the Christ Principle is part and parcel of the human being’s makeup.

How remarkable when the life and teachings of Jesus the Christ jumps off the pages from ancient texts and awakens a sleeping God-hood within. Mother Hamilton did that for me—she made the Christ live in me and showed me the way to realize our one Father-God. The power of God in her helped awaken the sleeping God in me, and for that she has my eternal gratitude.

Mother took me on such a tremendous journey, physically demanding, mentally exacting, emotionally expanding—in short it tested me in every possible way and in more ways than I could have ever anticipated. From the Mystical Crucifixion of the physical, energetic and mental, each stage carried with it, its own tests and its upliftment. Surely there is no greater challenge and no comparable reward.

Jesus came in a line of perfect incarnations that our Heavenly Father has sent to us to show us the way back to him. We error when we make a god of one of his incarnations and neglect the primary message that the same God is in us as in him. Clarify that message, God and the kingdom of Heaven are to be found within you, and you have unraveled untold misunderstandings. Let us prove to ourselves the truth of these teachings on this Easter Day and every day, by going within and realizing the great Reality waiting to resurrect itself in you. Words do not do it, reading will not get you there. Only by living the life will you come face to face with the living Christ.



