Picture: Seeing the purity of God, as Krishna, in all beings, the person, cow, elephant and dog; equally alike.
This week we mark the anniversary of Mother Hamilton’s Mahasamadhi, a great yogi’s conscious exit from the body; this occurred on January 31st, 1991. To celebrate Mother’s life I will include some quotes from Mother that speak of her life. In the talk Mother gave below, she is having a lively conversation with Emily; the date is not recorded, probably in the early 1960s.
It appears Emily is challenging the notion that consciousness began with God, and is speculating that consciousness has evolved only through creation and ultimately became soul-conscious when it attained human birth. Mother settles the question by telling of her own experience in which she experienced the perfection of God when she was but a single atom.
It reminds me of a conversation Larry Koler told me about when an atheist was arguing his case and the other man said, “So, you say you cannot believe in God, but you believe that a rock can become Beethoven!”
Emily: Does man not develop from the ultimate atom? Does he not, is he not present‑‑ I don’t know how to say it‑‑ but is he not present in the beginning of the earth? We will use earth because we happen to be here. But was he not present in that ultimate atom?
Mother: Yes.
Emily: Well, how then could you say that he had ever enjoyed the bliss of the Infinite?
Mother: Because he came from the Infinite, he was one with that Infinite. And as he came from it he was perfect in creation.
Emily: Well, he would have to go through when this earth was nothing but a boiling mass. Undoubtedly, all that would ever be was in that mass. Would you agree with that?
Mother: Well, God can create new masses, can’t he?
Emily: Well, He created a mass, not only a mass but a mess here. [laughter]
Mother: But He didn’t initiate the mess. We created the mess.
Emily: Well, if there’s nothing outside the mass‑‑
Mother: Yes, that’s right. But in the state of duality, it is a mess.
Emily: It is His play.
Mother: It is His play. That’s absolutely correct.
Emily: In the ultimate atom, in the swirling mass or vortex, just like our material scientists today tell us that they see this‑‑ they even call it cosmic dust, which is the vortex of another universe coming into being‑‑ man must undoubtedly be in that swirling vortex.
Mother: Yes, that’s right.
Emily: Well then, he becomes the rock.
Mother: Yes. He becomes all things in gradual evolution.
Emily: So then in eons of time, in these hundreds of millions of years that this earth has been turning, we have been evolving. And you would almost say, wouldn’t you, that somewhere man becomes an individual soul, so the idea of soul kicks in?
Mother: Yes, that’s right. He has human consciousness.
Emily: He has the ability to think.
Mother: To clarify this for you, an experience which was given to me once, Emily, was that I was taken back to the time when I was an atom. My individual consciousness of self was in that atom. I knew that I was in that atom, and it was as though I was lying on the grass. The dew was all around me. I was conscious of being an atom in space, that I actually had consciousness, and yet I had no form other than that infinitesimal cloak of the atom (I had this experience within myself), and yet I knew that “I” existed, that I was perfect within myself, that I was a part of the whole.
Emily: The “I AM”.
Mother: Yes. The “I AM” was there.