What a perfect idea, to honor mothers everywhere. As Mother said, “every mother goes through pain, and sometimes into the very jaws of death, to bring forth every child which she bears.” This was true of my own mother.
God gave me an experience of being in my mother’s womb. I heard my mother’s heartbeat, I was so perfectly comfortable being where I was. And, I knew that life on earth would not be an easy one, I felt resistant to leaving that haven of peace in the womb, as I listened to that heartbeat. It was such a complete experience that while going through it my own physical body was curled up in a fetal position.
I talked with my mother after I had this inner experience about my birth. She said that I was breached, and the doctor was up to his elbows getting me turned. She had tears from this that needed to be sutured, and my aunt Kay came to help her for some weeks after the birth as my mother could not move easily—she had my two older brothers to care for as well as a new baby. Every mother faces the possibility of the unknown, and shows great courage in bringing forth new life. When we really think about it, new life is absolutely a miracle, and no new life is possible without a mother.
Today we salute our mother’s, and if feel great gratitude not only for my own mother, but all mothers; for they made a decision for life, and life is a miracle.
Since I not only have a physical mother, without whom I would not have this incarnation, I also have my spiritual Mother, without whom I would not have a life worth living. Plato compared himself with a midwife, helping to bring forward a new being, spiritually born. Guru takes it further. The guru delivers spiritual Shakti or power of the Divine Mother, and so is an essential part of the Christ, or Krishna, child taking birth in the aspirant. Then guru shepherds the soul through all the experiences the soul must go through in order to know God.
Babaji described how he watched over the soul of Lahiri Mahasaya; when he left the body in a previous incarnation, moved with him in Spirit as he spent a life in the astral, then kept him under a protective wing when he was just a little tyke buried under the sands in lotus posture and then growing into manhood. How lovingly he was with his beloved disciple—watching, protecting and secretly guiding him until it was ordained that they should meet again in the physical.
Mother, willing to expend herself completely, entered the “jaws of death” to help bring about the total restoration of God-consciousness to all whom God had given her. I know that even when we are not aware, she watches over us, helping us to overcome our karma and to know the Infinite. Motherhood requires patience, for the zygote, fetus, newborn, a graceless teen and all the in-between stages will not appear like a finished product, not at all. Yet the Guru never ceases to see the perfect soul in God that each one of us truly are. Oh, such patience, a forbearance that only God can display!
I bow to you my blessed Divine Mother. May your Grace lift us up, guide us through the great transformation; that we may merge into God, and God into us. Inspire us to be what we should be in God, and know the perfect freedom of Spirit—to be immersed in the bliss you experience and the supreme wisdom you know.
For all Mothers, have a blessed Mother’s Day.
- Mother to us all