My Birthday Wish


Picture: My two greatest gifts of God in my life.

A birthday gives pause to view a lifetime much in the way as the turning of the New Year, only it is more personal in that it is the first day this physical body functioned independent of my mother’s womb. In part it is a reflection, “What have I done in this journey so far?” And in part a projection, “What do I yet want to accomplish?”

Gratitude wells up in me as to what I have been given in this life: a supremely qualified Satguru, a sincere desire to make spiritual progress, kindred souls who inspire and support me in this goal, and a job to do for God to expand His Light in aspiring souls and in the world at large.  

In addition to my Guru, I also have had my second “spiritual mother,” in the form of blessed Swami Satchidananda, as well as the inspiration of countless saints and realized souls, both past and present. So many gifts, so many opportunities to do the one thing that truly matters, to make spiritual progress in this lifetime. Somehow, souls of lofty spiritual stature have found it in themselves to love me and have extended themselves to such a degree as not to be believed. There are not enough fingers and toes in this entire world upon which to count all these blessings–my heart simply flows out in humble gratitude.

This is what stands out to me thus far in this lifetime, and there are of course other things for which to feel thankfulness, but all of these seem to fall under one category, God’s Grace–and it grinds me into dust thinking of the millions of kindnesses that have come my way in this life.

With this in mind I think of the future and what should these days be filled with to give true soul satisfaction for a life well lived. Mother once asked me, “How will you pay for the air that you breathe?” Oh Mother, not an easy question to answer! What can this mudball of a body (inflated with the sacred breath of God) do that can be deemed of any worth? What a precious gift life is, and what can I possibly give in return?

I can do what my Guru asks of me, “Keep your mind on God.” I can love Him, serve Him, open myself to Him totally and completely do what He directs me to do! God and Guru ask me to teach, to minister and serve all striving souls; and this I do according to His will. To serve as an example, and this I strive for with all of my heart. To surrender myself to Him, no matter what anyone else thinks (including myself!)–in short, to please Him alone–and this I do daily.

I make no claims to be a superman, to be anyone extraordinary, or to be anything other than what I am; for I strive to be transparent in what I say, do and write to you. Somebody once wrote that either nothing is a miracle, or everything is a miracle. I come down on the side of the later. Everything is a miracle, every breath, the rise of the sun, the ability to move, think and have my being, it is all a miracle in the making!

Perhaps one passes an age in which birthday gifts are something expected or needed. I am receiving birthday cards and messages of such love and generosity of spirit that it flattens me into a nothing. A fun gift of God came in the form of entering a State Park the other day and when I claimed my senior discount she did not believe I was of that age and “carded” me, asked me what year I was born! She had to admit I qualified. In addition, the one gift God gives daily and that I treasure first and foremost is His Presence–that is a constant in my life. This Presence fills my heart to overflowing to such a degree that it spontaneously flows out to you–there is no greater gift than this–it is never ending, never slackening, always increasing and bursting the banks of every limitation. Oh what Bliss is mine! And all I wish to do is spend my life in awakening this same gift in you, and in all.

There is nothing I love more than to see the unfolding of the lotus-life of a God-expanding soul. I know that it is not an easy journey: there are lofty peaks and darkly chasms, there are fair winds at your back and slamming storms that shudders you stem to stern, and there is the guiding Eastern Star and the Sirens who seductively call you to destruction. It is the greatest hero’s journey ever told, and therefore dangerous and uncertain, but also impregnated with Grace-filled synchronicities, tender mercies of Divine Mother, and lightning flashes of wisdom from heavenly Father. There is truly nothing more thrilling to me than to be a participant/witness in this greatest of odysseys with you.

And this brings me to my birthday wish as I blow out a candle of one, standing for the One eternal Being. With this expended breath I project my prayerful wish for you: that you melt in His Spirit, swim in His ocean of Bliss, for His mind to mingle in your own, and for you to see and serve Him in all creation. “Oh Lord, it is You, Yourself who has thought this birthday wish into my mind, therefore it is Your wish and You must fulfill it for all your sincere lovers. For there is nothing, nothing greater in all the three worlds than to stand in Your Presence–This I wish and pray with all my heart for all of my and Your dear ones–and all are near and dear to You!
