A devotee’s consciousness reaches out to me and instantly I feel their distress as my own—it is a painful yearning for God—a desolation deep and wide. I am put into touch with my many years of such yearning for God and realization. As Mother wrote to Papa so plaintively while in her own despair, How long Oh Lord, how long?
“Oh Lord, why do You wait even a moment when such a cry comes to You from sincere devotees?” And You answer, “Do you not realize that when my son Jesus said you cannot pour new wine into an old wineskin, he was speaking of this very thing?” For this is the truth—the old wineskin of limited human consciousness and the new wine of Christ-consciousness cannot merge until powerful changes come about that makes Divine Consciousness possible in the individual devotee.
The very nerves of the body must be strengthened, or they would be burned out in an instant upon contact with these high frequency energies. However, through repeated exposure to uplifting experiences the body system gradually changes, making it a divinely fit instrument. The rising expanding energy meets the knot points in the spine and brain—a struggle ensues as physical and psychological obstacles keep the new transforming energy from flowing easily and smoothly. Emotional and psychological kinks must be worked out—these kinks are interlocked with physical blockages—the process of sadhana exposes all past emotional obstructions and false limiting beliefs. The meeting and moving through these mental sticking points gradually purifies the practitioner, for Truth cannot reveal itself when selfishness, greed, fear, and anger loom large. The cup of consciousness must be emptied of all personal attachments—there can be no exceptions.
Through deepened meditation and upliftment, a new body in Christ is generated and brought fully into being. The total yearning of heart, mind and soul is part of this tremendous cleansing and transformation. Detaching from this world is essential to moving forward on the spiritual path, but this is only part of the story. Letting go of those things that identify you with this body and the world is a must, along with a yearning heart full of devotion for God. The first is jnana, discrimination—cutting out whatever is not of transcendent-God. Bhakti then, is the positive love-thought that draws us to God, and God to us—the wine of Spirit that fills the waiting cup. The yearning pain in the heart sets up a magnetism to which God must respond. Instead of trying to empty the mind of self only, which can have negative consequences, the positive thought of God fills the mind with light, love and devotion—making for a healthy psychological outlook.
Even though yearning for God can be tremendously painful as your heart breaks in its desire for the universal vision, your increasing devotion now becomes a more powerful force in the psyche and supersedes attachment to the senses. Bliss, upliftment, joy, loving service and a positive desire for the Divine fills you and propels you to the ultimate Goal of goals. Love and discrimination work together, along with selfless service to others and a growing drive to enter into the highest states of meditation-union that becomes all-consuming.
So, I feel the painful yearning of the devotee who is at such a great distance away—and it is my pain as well. God has given me this life where I experience various moods and states of mind of aspirants—they are all deeply familiar to me. And now, pain is also bliss, for there is no fear—I know this is what it takes to crack open the seedling-heart that reveals the Soul to the soul. Even in the excruciating pain I know this absolutely, and therefore it is also endless joy—for it is the harbinger of so much goodness and light to come. Victory to God—Victory to the Light—may unbounded love and keen discrimination ever guide the way for devotees, so that all may find the flawless way to the one infinite Lord.