Discourses Volume Three 2016, 2023


Volume Three in a six-volume series of Yogacharya David’s regular writings originally posted for devotees online at yogacharyadavid.com. (6×9 inches, 213 pages)

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“I see the great adventure of this life as refining and purifying consciousness, to make it ready for a true new birth.” – From Volume Three 2016: A True New Birth

Yogacharya David, in considering a True New Birth reminds us of how important it is to make conscious decisions, for example: to love, find truth, discover purity, seek freedom, live in the present, and overcome fear and anger while always honoring our temple—our body temple. In these discourses, Yogacharya David helps us find the art of balance, affirm the joy of gratitude and learn how to gain the needed velocity “to view the truth and to experience bliss.” More, he says, to “break the gravity of earthly attachment, we must necessarily travel at the speed of God.” The discourses bring us timeless wisdom, practical perspectives and remind our hearts to reach new plateaus.

