The Gospel of Swami Ramdas (3 Volumes), 2018 Edition


A 1953–1957 chronicle of events related to, and conversations of, Papa Swami Ramdas and Mother Krishnabai, recorded by Swami Satchidananda. The book transports the reader back to the Ashram of the 1950s. The final section of the book includes the conversations of Papa with Mother and Father Hamilton.

These books are designated by Anandashram as a gift to devotees and aspirants. One cent has been applied to make online checkout possible.

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This complete set of three volumes presents a factual account of some of the incidents and conversations of Swami Ramdas and Mother Krishnabai, recorded (intermittently from 1953 to 1957) by Swami Satchidananda. A unique depiction of the activities and movements of Swami Ramdas and  Mother Krishnabai in and outside the Ashram; their close personal rapport with devotees comes out in bold relief. Includes significant portions of conversations between Mother Hamilton and Swami Ramdas. (5 x 8 inches each volume. Vol. I-353, Vol. II-350, Vol. III-399 pages.)
