Resurrection Day

resurrection-1Today we celebrate Resurrection Day, the day that Lord Jesus made his physical body come to radiant life after being horribly crucified. Since then, there has been much said and written about the resurrection of believers upon the Second Coming of the Christ. However, why should so much be made of resurrecting the body alone? Is the assumption that all believers should have also gone through an inner transformation when “them bones rise again?”

The word resurrection has interesting Latin roots. It comes from the verb rego, to make straight, plus the preposition of sub, or under; then surrectum, to rise. Put together, “a straightening from under again.” So taking the root meanings, to take what is under, making it straight and to arise; this instruction can be perfectly applied to sadhana, spiritual practice. To take what is under, the lower impulses of the ego-mind, making it straight through God-remembrance, then for consciousness to rise into spiritual union with our Heavenly Father. Rather than focusing on the body alone as resurrected, this way of understanding the word entails the transformation of the inner person, the whole man. Jesus, the son of man, becomes Jesus Anointed—the Son of God. And in his wake, we, who he commanded, are to follow in his footsteps. For the Master said, [Matthew 10:38] And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.

Celebrating resurrection this time of year, the spring equinox, is wonderfully symbolic of the arisen consciousness. Locally, the daffodils are bursting into bloom, like so many rays of golden suns, life is returning after slumbering in winter, seeds burst their bonds and branches reach out for the light—new life, new hope, a renewed world. As we meditate upon this miracle of nature, let us know that an even greater miracle is promised within—the resurrection of Divine Consciousness, that we may know our Heavenly Father in truth and reality.

So let us pick up our cross, the body, and follow after our Lord, to meditate deeply upon that inner Light that is seeking to draw us unto itself. This story is not a fairy tale, nor is it an event that only took place two thousand years ago, but this is a living legacy from all those who have gone before us into resurrected Divine Consciousness—and is seeking to do so in you now. Blessings to you my dear ones on this Resurrection Day, a blessed day for a new life in Christ-Consciousness.
