Dear _________,
It is wonderful to hear from you, so glad these postings are of value to you, it is a perfect way to keep in contact when we are at distant places from one another.
You have brought up the subject of tithing; it is a relationship between the soul and God. Yes, there are practical aspects on both sides, as it provides us money for the work we do for God and Gurus, and of course there is only the rare person who could not use more money for personal use. However, tithing touches parts of life that goes beyond practicalities.
Carla and I tithe 10 percent for every dollar of our personal income. When I do, it sets up a relationship between God and me. Giving the “first fruits” to God puts me in mind of gratitude for what is received. It acknowledges that God is the Source of all good, including prosperity on a material level, and it puts me in right relationship with my Creator.
When we receive tithes, we put it on the altar under Master’s picture (when we are on Camano). We offer it to God and Gurus in gratitude, then we have an account that is for the tithes and use those funds for the work we do for God and Gurus.
I understand that money can be tight, I have been in that situation a time or two myself! I also think it is wonderful that you are in a position to help others. I had the blessing to adopt a child and have been a support to others as various times, so I know how important it is for the one receiving that support, as well as how it feels to fulfill God’s will when giving it. Blessings for you, and blessings for this young man—that he may receive what is being offered and thrive.
I do not ask for anything for what I do for God and Gurus, in fact I took a vow before Mother not to do so. So, I truly have no expectation that anyone should give anything. Many has been the time that the ones I have given the most to, do not reciprocate. While others, who I have not spent such time and effort on a personal basis are faithful to a fault with supporting this work. Such is the way of God; He has made it so that we have never been without shelter or food, and we have had funds to do what is necessary for Mother’s work.
So, it comes down to right-relationship between the soul and God. What can practically be tithed, and what feels right? Go inside and ask God, “What is the right thing here so that You and I are straight with each other?” For many years I did not think of tithing that much. When I saw Mother I would put some money in the bowl on the way out. Later, I was sorry for my casual attitude—not really thinking of what Mother might need, and perhaps even more, for my own immaturity. And not because Mother thought the less of me, for many of those years I was a student and not flush with funds, but because I was not mindful. Mother was the most important person in my life, she meant everything to me, but I was not conscious of how that should have translated into tithing. Surely any extra money would have helped her, but it really reflected my own lack of thoughtfulness. Later, I stepped forward at a time Mother needed it and was able to give substantial support. For that I feel such gratitude, that even when I was supporting a family and not having extra, God gave me the ability to do something that made me feel good and right with God and was of practical help to Mother.
I do not purport to say what is right for each person, I only know what my own journey is, and has been on this point. Even though you hesitated bringing it up, I think it is a topic we all live with, and it is important. So, I am glad you have given me an opportunity to tell you something of my thoughts; and that by bringing it up with me, you are bringing it out into the light. At the end of the day, you want to feel that you are in right relationship with God and Gurus—that you may stand easy and breathe the fresh air of openness and truth.
With all love and blessings,