Think of the power of a seed growing into a great tree, a supernova collapsing into a black hole that swallows everything that comes near it including light, and the power that creates this fantastical universe we live in. Now consider, this same power exists in you as a Son-of-God in Christ-consciousness. The great Master said that when you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains—think of it! (Matt. 17:20)
However, it is a very good thing that we are not conscious of this vast potential for remarkable powers when we are still working to properly manage what power we have been given. Each of us has power, whether we think of it in that way or not. You have the power of thought, movement, speech, the ability to make plans and carry them out—we could call these everyday powers. As you move into a broadening world of power, it may bring you parental authority, being a manager or business owner, a political position or being in the public’s eye—making you accountable for the increasing influence you have.
Each one of us are to be beneficial stewards of what we have been given in this life. Taking the attitude of being a servant of the Most High, no matter the position you hold, puts you into right relationship with power. When in a position of authority is in your purview, then working for the highest good of all keeps you on the path of right action. Again, the Master said that according to what you are given, whether it is money, position or authority, according to how you use that power you may be given more, or if it is misused—that which you have will be taken away. (Matt 25: 14-40) So, whether you are a janitor or the head of the company, you are equally accountable when standing before your Heavenly Father.
When 36 years old, Mother Theresa of Calcutta moved to the streets to serve the poorest of the poor—not a typical path to a high worldly position. Yet, her name endures, she has become an iconic personality symbolizing selfless service. No one would have guessed this would be the result when she started out, leaving her comfortable teaching position for an uncertain life on the streets—as she felt prompted to do by her beloved Christ. However, she endured with uncommon integrity and humility; as a result, she was given more worldly power. Throughout it all she kept her spiritual bearings clearly in sight. When name and fame pursued her from nook and cranny from around the world she kept God and service to those who needed it most to the fore; both for herself and those who followed in her footsteps. She began with so little, and it grew to a worldwide phenomenon.
When undergoing spiritual transformation I was taken through a time when spiritual powers naturally came to me; among these powers were knowing future events, desires that were materialized, and reading the minds of others. As this occurred I had Mother’s teachings in the forefront of my mind and Krishna’s exhortation from the Bhagavad Gita—such powers are considered an impediment to realization by aspiring yogis. I was also aware of a deep-down attraction I felt for these powers; and that concerned me. So, I asked God to take all such power away from me—and He did.
Another power about which I had pride was intellect. Through the experiences God gave me He periodically took away my intellect. I came to know that intellect is but an extension of consciousness, but not essential to it. In fact, the most brilliant experiences I have been given have not been derived from intellect—proving to me its inferiority. In addition to intellect, the power of movement and of speech have also been taken away at various times, showing how little I am in control of those, and how easily they can all be taken away—in reality, all are gifts from the Divine. This teaches me deep humility and a natural outpouring of gratitude for what is given at any particular moment. These everyday powers can easily be taken for granted, but I know without a doubt that God is the Source of every power that flows through this and every form. Having right relationship with power enables me to be in right relationship with my Creator. Power, like so many attributes of God, is then taken off the altar of false gods to be worshiped—bringing lasting peace and harmony to the Soul.