We are surrounded by 35,000,000 year old rocks that stand as sentinels of ancient earth where a lifetime is measured in millennia, not as humans mark it as several dozen orbits around the sun. The land here, at the City of Rocks State Park of New Mexico, has the feel of time viewed through a wide angle lens, not a microscope. What a brief span a human life is, barely registered as a passing gnat by these old watchers.
Having driven to this most interesting topography we crested a small hill and looked down upon a large cluster of various shaped boulders, some creating avenues, streets and alleys with what could easily be imagined as shops, hotels and homes in stone; thus the name City of Rocks. We have a site here in solitude amongst these silent monarchs of stone–no one else is close. The spirit unfolds its wings here, far from cramped quarters of ordinary cities. Quiet pervades as the rising sun reveals a rabbit grazing nearby, a hawk soaring in circles overhead, scuttling squirrels and other assorted friends who call this home. In amongst the rocks are rounded cactus, juniper and small oaks, local grass and assorted desert fare.
Last night with the campfire ablaze, we sat surrounded by giant boulders–seemingly Tolkienian petrified trolls caught by an unexpected sunrise. Overall, we feel the quiet, grounded, millennial-consciousness. This comes in the backdrop in which I have been in prayerful battle. I feel spent in this tremendous exertion and the land comes as a welcome oasis of spiritual nurturance.
I e early this morning, as God has been keeping nocturnal hours, but this early a.m. my mind was filled with a past event. I know I, and I think most, have had “cringe-worthy” incidents when we have acted in ignorance, made poor decisions, issued forth ill-chosen words or actions that would definitely not make it in our “Better Moments” videography. Well, one of those was on full display in my mind’s eye when I awoke. Initially I felt the cringe, then an inner Voice spoke that made me know this was not for the indulgence of the ego to feel bad, rather it was a calling of prayer for an individual. What a change that made, to move from the initial abhorrence to feeling the light, power and flow of God blessing one and all. “Oh Lord, You remind me once again what my purpose is in life. I am not here to be self-conscious, but God-conscious. This is my lesson, again and again, until there is nothing else but You, ever-present You.”
This City of Rocks is a place where stones become runes, messengers to remind us of the eternal verities; a place of awareness where you know that you have always been, you are now, and you will always be part of the Ancient One, the Source of all existence. In that Consciousness you can rest–reside in the eternal Truth of the Infinite where a human life is but a flicker, but in God is the ever-existent Flame of Life.
Picture: Streets of Stone
Conjures up the image of a kneeling camel
Picture: Natural yogi’s cave
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