Many people live lives that are too cramped, with a consciousness that is too small and too crowded. In this tight space tension reigns supreme—it all feels like life is too much, that you are not big enough. This is in contradiction to the fact that you are truly made up of an infinite nature, being made in the likeness and image of God.
To counteract this cramped living style, you must move into spaciousness—where your consciousness easily accommodates expansiveness. Attuning yourself to your greater Self you grow larger than your limited situation, you feel God-consciousness expand in you, making you know that all God is, is also available to you.
Those things that work against this roominess of Spirit are when you are in pain or struggling with a physical condition, limited money and prosperity in the moment, unhappy relationships and social situations, an unsatisfying work situation, and lack of balance in your life. These things can press in on you, make you feel small and that these situations are very big. This oppressiveness puts you under tremendous pressure. This is not the way you are meant to live.
In truth, your life is an expression of infinite nature; you are meant to live in freedom, joy, love and light. To tune into this greater Source you must rise above your determined beliefs that you are small and problems are big. It is true that on a human level many things can come at you, and challenges can really stretch you, but you are not a human self only. You must remember that you are a child of the Infinite, and in remembering this you claim access to the realms of your greater Self.
When meditating, bring to mind your expansiveness. Feel that you are not limited to one little human body, rather you know yourself to be a citizen of the stars, that there is no limit to consciousness. When done with meditation time and you enter into the world, continue your connection with your greater Self—that you are a living instrument of limitless thought, energy and abundance. Your life is “right sized” for you, you need only open yourself to all God wishes to manifest through you. Let go of fear, resentment, limiting beliefs and know that your infinite Beloved is, even right now, actively manifesting all that you need to be His likeness, and His image.
No two lives are identical, so, do not compare yourself to any other, for that would deny the uniqueness of how God chooses to be in you as a co-creator with Him. So, any time you are feeling too cramped in your living space, feeling the pressure of life, and that you are too small for the shoes you are wearing, then instantly recall who and what you truly are—a child of the Infinite—as such you expand to be larger than the problems and challenges you face, you walk amongst the stars, that vast resources are streaming to you in order for you to live your life exactly as it has been ordered from above. In that spaciousness breathe freedom and know that God is the solution to every problem; that His ingenuity for solving problems is even greater than yours for creating them! There is plenty of room for you to breathe, live your life and be exactly who God designed you to be.