Picture: Rama-Hanuman-Sita
Last night we entered into deepened meditation to bring in the New Year. Devotees travelled form Southern Oregon and Canada to be with us, and we drank deeply from the cup of bliss-filled communion with Spirit. I cannot imagine a better way to launch into a New Year, as we sent out Light to this entire world in prayer for its upliftment. I had written the words below for the occasion, please take time to read and think deeply about the questions at the end of the writing. Life is all about learning, we can especially use the closing of one year and the beginning of another as a time to reflect on what we have learned and apply that to the New Year. Blessings, Yogacharya David
As we close out 2013 and welcome in 2014 we stand at a crossroads. The world offers much in technology, conveniences, entertainment and distractions; from a spiritual standpoint all of this is worthless and an obstruction.
To make true spiritual progress the world needs to be set aside. In the pursuit of a calm equanimity the twin stimulants of tamasic and rajasic (depressive and activating) qualities are known to be the impediments to attaining conscious union with the Divine. One must surmount the qualities of this age to go beyond the things of the body to ascend to things of the Spirit.
Worldly nature manifests in the news with leads based on, “If it bleeds, it leads;” and in advertising the watchwords are “sex sells.” These are more than truisms; you can see it in action on a daily basis. When someone is looked up to as a hero today there is a concerted effort to find some scandal to take him or her down. The world is stood on its head, if someone stands for clear values they are seen as villains, and if someone spits in the eye of core values they are held up as heroes. There is even less popular culture support for dharma and spiritual living today than any previous time.
Even as in times past individuals have risen above the environment in which they were born, so we too may strive to go beyond the values and ideals presented to us by the world. To be a pioneer is not easy as you have no support and oftentimes opposition from those around you.
To come to together in singing God’s Name, to support each other in living a life of purity and integrity, and to feel the joy of meeting kindred spirits is the meaning of satsang (to associate in the name of the eternal Self). The origin of the term religion is associated with the idea of coming together, or connecting with God or with a group of lovers of God. We can draw spiritual strength when we come together for a higher purpose and feel the uplifting vibrations of such occasions. So come together often and find spiritual strength with kindred spirits, enjoy satsang wherever you can.
We live in a time when even well-known spiritual leaders have fallen far short of the spiritual ideals they teach. When we stand for truth and the realization of the supreme Reality we do not need to be afraid of facts, and when someone has fallen short of a lofty goal, that may be a fact, but it is also not the sum total of the individual.
When a spiritual head or adherent has acted out of desire nature or fear and he or she makes a full turnabout and gets back on track, then we can see that one in the full context in their journey to God. If there is no contrition on that one’s part, if there is no recognition of the harm done, then that is another matter for there is no indication that anything has been learned or that the individual is once again pointed toward the Light.
Each of us stands at a crossroads of whether to go with the tendency of the world and tear down what is good, or to take the inward path toward upward evolution; it is a decision we must make daily. In recognizing that the world in general does not support the inner path we must make a concerted effort to break the trance the world induces in individuals and en mass.
Deep and sincere practice of meditation and God-remembrance is the antidote to worldly influence. When you feel drawn to the peace and bliss of God you find the world loses its allure. Just as when the body is cleared of an addictive substance then even the thought of having that substance no longer has a hold on the individual, even so the devotee feeling the active joy of God does not yearn for the pleasures of the world.
It takes time and practice to clear the body system of the attraction of the five senses and to immerse the little self into God alone. However, living in the freedom and bliss of God makes whatever little effort expended in sadhana seem insignificant in what is given in return.
Review 2013 with an eye for learning, what went right and why? And if things have gone wrong, then review what happened and why?
Let us enter into 2014 with a redoubled effort for realizing God. Double your meditation time, seek to double the amount of time you are chanting to God. And double your reliance upon God alone for your comfort, joy, peace and guidance.
May you be blessed in your sincere practice of God-remembrance and service to Him in all forms. It is a new year, a new beginning and you stand at a crossroads that, given the right choices, can take you far in your journey to your complete realization of the Infinite.
Review: What went right and why? Often times we take for granted the things we have done well, as if there is nothing to learn from that experience. Take some time and review the things that have been positive in your year.
- What decisions did you make to create those positive outcomes?
- What can you do the build upon those positive decisions to create even better outcomes?
- Build a strong self-image according to those clear decisions and feel the strength it brings you.
What went wrong and why? Many times we fall into self-loathing, hide away from poor decisions or drown in self-pity. Instead take some time to view your decision-making from a learning perspective; wanting to understand why you made certain decisions.
- If possible, do what you can make restitution or to repair a bad decision.
- Trace the steps in making a poor decisions and find key moments of false logic or poor responses driven by emotions or desire nature.
- Recreate those key moments and see yourself making a wise decision, see it all the way through and experience how that feels. Then let that feeling reverberate all the way down to this moment as if that is exactly what you did. Let it change you to the molecular structure.
- Build a strong self-image for the present and the future based on making clear, positive decisions. See your God-self fully manifest and guiding you, protecting you, and ever-present in your journey to Self-realization.
Happy New Year for 2014, with blessings from God and Gurus!
Yogacharya David