Continuing our pilgrimage our caravan scrambles over 6,000 foot passes and we cross into North Carolina on our way to see Joy and family. The change in climate is noticable by both rising in altitude and moving northward–it is cooler and wetter, reminding us of the NorthWest damp. Hoever, we are low enough in latitude that such heights display early spring, not hip deep in snow. We arrive at the Powhatan State Park not far from Arden and the city of Asheville. Asheville has an interesting history as it became an especially loved place by writers Carl Sandburg, Thomas Wolfe and F. Scott Fitsgerald who had homes here. It is also place of America’s largest private home, the Biltmore–George Vanderbilt created this cozy little 250 room house on 8,000 acres with breathtaking gardens designed by Fredrick Olmstead.
Acting as host Joy takes us on a wonderful drive up into the Blue Ridge Mountains in the Pisgah National Forest at over 4,000 feet in altitude for a hike to some marvelous waterfalls by the name of Skinnydip (and no, we did not). While sitting on some rocks next to the falls there is a overhang next to us that reminds me of an apt yogi’s cave. I fell into a reverie about Babaji–when I am in wilderness he often comes to mind.
Almost tweny years ago now, when at Cloud Mountain during a year of silence and solitude, I had several experiences with the great mahayogi. In one of these I feel him so close and beseech him to come to me in body. In blunt language he refuses and makes it known to me that I am to realize his universal nature, not limit him to a physical form. Since that time he has occassionally come to me with his personal “signature,” but expansive and universal–as well as in the perfect intimacy of thought transference.
As I look upstream at the successive waterfalls there is a pool of water with a rocky landing beyond. The thought of Babaji is with me and his radiant presence manfests on the rocky landing, spreading to the whole scene lying before me. The air itself scintilates with his vibration, and I feel him both near and all around.
“Oh beautiful master, you come in this superior formless-form and your supreme consciousness touches my own–thereby I am blessed. You teach me non-attachment to form, and thereby free me of local biases, making me know that we are not material stuff, but super-existence that cannot be constrained by a simple body or location. Your very nature is universal, and through the touch of your consciousness you make me know that I too am of universal nature. Your blessings are purity itself–I bow to you and feel myself dissolved into God’s ominiscient Self.”
We then journeyed onward and enjoy more waterfalls along the way, as well as a delicious picnic lunch Joy has brought with her. While we sit on a gravel beach by the flowing river we watch in wonder as a ten inch snake wiggles it way upstream and eventually disappears into some treeroots on the river bank. As the day progresses the experience with Babaji lingers and God calls me inward–we return so that I might allow full sway to His magnetic current. Truly, my life is not my own, He dictates what is to be done and not done. Whatever my, or other’s, expectations may be, His will reigns supreme. And, there is no place I would rather be. Through these past many days He has periodically continued to place me between the grinding forces of universal good and evil, and at the same time He gives me such great bliss. Most often, even when He gives me some difficult task to do, He also gives me so greatly of Himself: inner assurance, blissful joy, and a keen understanding that this is all His will.
It is a great secret in life: when you fully accept that God has you exactly where He wants you to be–it is perfect. You may judge it is not where you would like to be, however you surrender to His will and then you feel His Presence–this makes an enormous difference in the quality of your life. He may destroy your dreams, disturb your plans, play with your preferences, but He always means well! What at first takes an effort to surrender, eventually works itself into a knowing-understanding that His will is always best, then you no longer have to work at surrender–rather it is now your natural state. Such surrender is the great secret to peace and serenity in all times and places. Be it ever so!
Picture: Joy and Carla on hike