Dear Swami Muktanandaji and all dear friends,
Today we concluded our meditation service with a tribute to our dear Swami Satchidanandaji and distributed Ashram Prasad packets. Each day I see Swamiji’s prominent picture here, given to us by Larryji and Cate. Whenever I think of our dear Swamiji love and gratitude fills my heart. This fullness of heart is the greatest tribute I can think to bestow upon this precious soul. The year 2008 seems so long ago, but when I think of Swamiji he feels so close.
We wish to send you our love and gratitude not only for our dear Swamiji, but for all of you at Anandashram who are holding aloft the Light that Swamiji manifested in all that he did. Our Gurudev never tired of saying that out of all there at the Ashram, when she went through the terrific experiences of the Mystical Crucifixion Papa put her through, she felt above all others there, Swamiji exhibited the most understanding and compassion for her; I know he and Mother always had a special connection. She would with great affection refer to him privately as “Satch.”
Such are the thoughts we are having on this special Mahasamadhi Day for our dear Swamiji. Etched forever in my mind is the last time we took our leave from him. I asked if I would see him again in the body, and he answered, “Not likely.” Oh, how my heart heaved with grief in that moment. However, for the sake of knowing him, and loving him, I would gladly bear such utter grief a million, million times; for he is my savior and forever I will bow at his feet in gratitude.
Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram,
Yogacharya David (the name he gave to me)