Revered Davidji,
Your most loving and touching email email conveying your love and gratitude for our Revered and Beloved Swamiji is heart-rending at the same time soul-elevating. The last few days have been bringing back all the memories of our dear Swamiji. His love, his fortitude, his guru-seva, concern for all and his tireless service for all devotees. All we can do is bow our head with gratitude at HIS Holy Feet and seek HIS blessings to be able to live up to all these noble ideal that He has placed before us through HIS life.
Yes, when we think about it 6 years seems a very long time, but when we think about Pujya Swamiji He is right before us, still looking at us with all the compassion and love in HIS eyes.
A lot of devotees from various places were here for Pujya Swamiji’s Maha Samadhi day. The day went off with intense God-remembrance.
Deepest love and best wishes to you, Carlaji, Larry, Cateji, Jillji and all there.
Ever your Self
Swami Muktananda