Tested Ayurveda Methods

I have incorporated a few Ayurvedic Traditions into my morning routine for some time now (a few for many years) , all with good results; I thought I would share these methods with you. Ayurveda (Life-knowledge) is an ancient Hindu medical system that has some easy to apply practices.These practices I describe below are supported by many modern studies to be health enhancing.

  • Tongue Scraping. There are small u-shaped instruments sold for tongue scraping, however you can use a small stainless steel spoon as well. Lightly scrape the tongue from the back to the front of the mouth. You will get a white/gray substance (brown or green are possible) that contains oral bacteria. Its removal reduces bad breath, increases flavors of foods, can boost the immune system by removing harmful toxins, removes bacteria and toxins that lead to periodontal problems, and is said to activate agni (fire element) that will aid digestion.
  • Tongue Scraper
  • Neti Pot: I use a ceramic neti pot (that looks a bit like Aladdin’s Lamp) filled with salt water (I like the Himalayan Institute neti pot design). The neti pot fits into one nostril, while you tilt your head at a 45 degree angle and the water pours from the top nostril through the nasal passage and out the lower nostril. If you tip your head too far back it will run down your throat and make you cough. A little practice and you will find the right angle to pour. After pouring the water through the nostrils blow out the excess water. Mainstream medicine has adopted its use for those who have had operation on the nose, and studies have shown those who suffer allergies get relief by this method. This method loosens mucus and allows the cilia to work more efficiently. I buy a premixed saline solution and add water. You can make your own solution by boiling 1 pint of water and when it is lukewarm add 1 teaspoon of salt. Some people add ½ teaspoon of baking soda and finds that makes it gentler.
  • Neti Pot
  • Oil Pulling: Oil pulling is swishing oil in your mouth for some minutes and then spitting it out into the garbage (not down the sink). Studies have shown that oil pulling helps prevents gingivitis and bad breath by binding microorganisms in the mouth and removing them. I use coconut oil (sesame and sunflower oils are ok too), as coconut oil has lauric acid which is an anti-microbial; it also tastes better than the other oils (even though you are not swallowing it). There are various times for swishing recommended, anywhere from 5 minutes to 20 minutes. I have a routine where I am swishing and jogging on the rebounder, the result is I keep the oil in for about 15 minutes. An added benefit may be that you notice your teeth are whiter. A Kriyaban reported their dentist said that the people he sees with the best oral hygiene are those who do oil pulling.
  • Walking/jogging/running: While not Ayurvedic, part of my morning routine fits in well with Master’s recommendation for walking for five minutes and then running for five minutes. I spend ten minutes on the rebounder (a small trampoline). The additional benefit of the rebounder is its healthy effect on the lymphatic system and getting rid of toxins from the body.


You may like to try one or all the above methods for enhancing your health. I would like to hear from you regarding your own results with such methods. It is always interesting to me to find healthy, low cost ways to maintain optimum health and well-being.

Om Namaste Om, I bow to the good and compassionate Creator.
