My Guru-lineage and realized Masters the world over
to whom I bow in humble gratitude
Thursday, November 23—A National Day of Thanksgiving.
An observation I have made through the years—when feeling close to God gratitude comes naturally; and whenever I am mindful of feeling gratitude, it lifts my mood and makes me feel closer to God—gratitude and God are definitely closely linked. A prescription I make when someone is feeling depressed: for at least 30 days make a list of at least three things you are grateful for at the end of the day. Believe it or not, someone who is feeling very down has a hard time coming up with even three things. However, paying attention to three gratitudes daily makes the difference; it lifts the mood and zeroes the attention in on looking for what is good, instead of only seeing what is wrong.
There are many reasons why individuals become discouraged about life, some personal, some global, but a negative-tamasic mood robs one of joy and draws a curtain between the soul and the true Self. We must have perspective in life, and knowing that the Light perpetually shines in the darkness is the greatest reason for optimism at all times and in all places. Everything works for ultimate good, and through intense focus on God, the soul is lifted out of duality and is established in bliss. For spiritually aspiring sadhakas, this is the ultimate for which to feel gratitude; to know that you have the Goal of goals in mind (a remarkable purpose), and the capacity to achieve this Goal in this lifetime is cause for great celebration and joy—a true day of thanksgiving.
What a wonderful thing to have a day dedicated to Thanksgiving. But, do not limit giving thanks to just one day—but for all days. Start a conversation with God that lasts throughout your waking hours. Look for micro-events that you might normally take for granted, and then express your gratitude to your Creator for it. I think of those whose legs do not work, and then my ability standup and walk from here to there—an action many take completely for granted; yet, how wonderful to be able to do just that—to simply get up and walk. Or, to look out on the day with two eyes that see, to breathe freely, to move a hand, even to have a thought—especially a thought of our infinite Beloved. Notice micro-events all through the day, then say, “Lord, what a wonderful thing to be able to do: to look at the sky, breathe the air, give someone a smile, strive for a goal; this life is a miracle in action, a joy to behold! Even the things that dissatisfy me, You have put it into my mind that life can be better, that I can work for improvements; for that inspiration to improve, I give thanks.”
If you are realistic, from a human standpoint there is many more things you do not have control over than what you do. And, in your daily life you must choose to focus your mind on certain things, and not others. That is efficiency. When something requires your attention you screen out of the conscious mind that which is not essential to the moment. That way you can concentrate your energies on what is needed. Through habit, many focus on what is, or can go wrong—not on what is going smoothly. An airline pilot told me that his primary job is to anticipate what can go wrong, such as a lightning storm ahead, and then avoid it. This is putting looking for problems to positive use. However, most who focus on what they do not like or are afraid of, are not using their time and energy to good effect. They simply repeat frightful or repugnant thoughts over and again without any purpose, except to wear themselves out and to cause great unhappiness.
You must use wise discernment in choosing your thoughts. Ask yourself, What is the practical effect of this thought? Does this thought keep me safer, make me more productive and happier? Or, does this thought sap my life-energy, rob me of joy, and bring me to a standstill? Your thoughts steer your life—are you skillfully navigating toward positive goals? Or, are you getting stranded on the shoals of indecision, or mindlessly headed into storms of chaotic living? Your thoughts are the one thing you can definitely choose; with practice you become master of what you focus your powerful mind upon to bring about only the highest-minded results.
I do not know why in modern culture there is such a cynical dismissiveness of the lessons that the story Pollyanna teaches. You will hear, “Oh, don’t be Pollyannaish,” said with complete ridicule. But let us look at the story. A little girl is living with her missionary parents in a far-off country, and really wants a doll for Christmas. Instead, what comes by way of donations are crutches. She is so disappointed. Her father knows her deflated feeling, and kindly suggests that she play The Glad Game. Think of all the things she is glad for; that is the game. Isn’t she glad she doesn’t need crutches? She tries it, and feels better. Then, she makes The Glad Game her habit. Her parents subsequently die and the little girl is sent to live with a relative who does not want or like her. But, she continues her Glad Game, and she is so infectious about it she changes the people around her for the better—eventually even her bitter aunt opens up. The Glad Game her father taught her not only helped her survive psychologically, but it attracted people to her, and even changed the lives of a community. What would critics have you tell her? To face reality. She had a load full of hard reality in her life she could scarcely avoid! She survived and even thrived through terribly difficult circumstances by looking for the good; when it seemed that life gave her nothing but hard knocks. Sounds like a lesson we could all draw inspiration from, not deride from some superior tower of ridicule.
So, play your own Glad Game with God—bring to mind the micro-reasons for gratitude in your daily life. When you have enough money for food and shelter, it is no small thing; to have the power to walk, talk and carry on in your life, it is a miraculous blessing; daily you have an enormous opportunity to fill your life with gratitude. And most of all, you have been taught the truth by the greatest of spiritual masters, you are on the path to become a spiritual master yourself, and you have spiritual brother and sisters to help you on your way—these are the greatest blessings and more than ample reason to have gratitude every moment of every day. Cultivate your gratitude conversation with God until it is the most natural thing in the world, and you will find that life is, perhaps, made up of a very few big events that many people look for to validate something to be grateful for, but easily has unending micro-events in everyday existence that the gratitude habit makes you aware of, and brings to you joy and true happiness for yourself and those around you. A very happy day of Thanksgiving to you and to all.
Adam just sent this link for a U of W medical article, quoting scientific studies that confirms that gratitude is healthy for:
- A stronger sense of well-being
- A healthier heart
- Love your job
- Sleep better
- Cope with stress
Glad science is catching up!