God has me working more in the world lately, as we are doing some remodeling on this house. Planning, arranging and following up with contractors, making sure everything ready and they have what they need—He has me fully enabled and fully engaged. There is a wonderful feeling to the switch turned on that allows me to participate in this world; I always enjoyed working in this world, as I have done since an early age to the time He drew me more inwardly to Himself.
As spiritual aspirants, the crux of living in this world is for us to fully participate in it and not be separated from our true Self as a result. Events can come rapid fire, demands to make decisions, to make the body and mind function even when they are resistant to doing so, and success brings its own challenges tempting you to think that you are the doer. So, in challenging times or in smooth sailings these worldly occupations make it a necessity to have a highly focused sadhana-practice.
A devotee wrote to me: “Things will go along and I’ll make one decision to do something and then things are all out of whack. My decisions are not made from the heart often, because of this or that. Things just seem to come at me so fast, I cannot even stop to connect to light before making a decision.” To one degree or another, isn’t this our dilemma of living in this world?
The key to maintaining our balance is the intensity of our practice—it has to meet or exceed the intensity of worldly demands. Now someone (not you of course) may say, “I have barely enough energy to keep things going in this world as it is, never mind adding another thing to my plate like having to remember God!” And if you think of it as only another task on your to do list, added to those things you are already not getting done, then that might be right.
However, God-remembrance is not simply another task—it is our primary task. Not only that, but just as importantly staying connected with God, your real Self, brings important benefits that will actually help you in your worldly life. These benefits are the real secret in life so that you can have both a full and a fulfilling life.
The first benefit is that in God-awareness you remain in a calm center. Like a skilled athlete you operate in “the zone” where there is a natural flow in body and mind. From that calm center you are in a prime position to use the reasoning mind as well as the intuitional mind. Like a general observing the field of combat, you see the movement of forces and calculate what needs to be done, not overwhelmed by the noise and confusion of war. This calm reason adds and subtracts based on experience and learning. The intuitional mind does not add or subtract, at least not consciously—it knows through direct perception what is true. Intuition comes, not through reasoning, but as a flash of insight. Both reason and intuition are invaluable aids for you to operate in this world.
Being Self-centered means you adhere to the highest standards. Abiding by right action, according to your reason, helps purify your mind that will then give you access to truth from intuition. Through intuition you know what is true, not only for yourself but in others as well. Honing this skill for knowing what is right action saves you from disastrous mistakes. Right action, or dharma, is the most efficient means forward both in this world and spiritually. While wrong action can look more expedient in the moment, it inevitably builds resistant karma that immediately, or eventually, causes you suffering and undermines your success.
Your spiritual practice bears the fruit of bliss, light and universal love on your tree of consciousness. All humanity seeks happiness, but so many seek it in this world only. A deeper analysis reveals that this world can never yield the kind of happiness we truly seek. Some will say our “reward” comes in an after-life—do not seek it here. Mystics and yogis have asserted we have access to that “reward” right here and now, but not through worldly means. Spiritual happiness is bliss and is to be found within and in the present—and while it is latent in most, nevertheless it is available to all.
Having your happiness already in place makes you enabled to give perfect service to this world, for with your happiness in place it is easy to detach from outcomes. It is your internal joy that now fuels your participation in life, not some hoped for outcome or afterlife. Of course you have goals for what to do and what you want to have as a result, but your happiness is not dependent on such outward rewards. As a result you are centered in your Self, not identified with the things of the world. This detachment gives you balance and a perspective that makes you more proficient in your activities.
And the price of entry for discovering this here and now reward of spiritual attributes? It is, of course, to keep you mind on God: to breathe, be a mindful witness to all that you experience, to keep your attention at the ajna (point between the eyebrows), chant His name, and meditate deeply upon Him. Love is the most powerful attractor in this world and beyond. Love of God automatically brings about detachment. Love of God is you most powerful asset for living in the world, but not of it.
Practice, practice, practice—until you are living in the “spiritual zone” and feeling God’s joyful Presence within you, until you are centered in your deeper Self no matter your outer circumstances, and your inborn dharma spontaneously guides you to right action. By enacting this practice you receive life-giving energy (supplying you with far more than you give in your practice). It is not simply another task to add to your “To do list,” it the one indispensable thing you do when fulfilling you daily duties in this world and in serving your Infinite Beloved.