20190722 Power of Prayer
It was predicted that the radiation treatment would have some side effects that could take some weeks to present themselves. And the last two days, I have experienced hair loss and extreme fatigue and a bit of a fuzzy brain. On Sunday just after noontime, I had a sudden and significant lifting of fatigue along clarity of thought–with this immediate change came the associated thought this positive change came as a result of the Seattle Group sending healing prayers. I have also been the fortunate recipient of Reiki prayers by a group of four that Phyllis has put together. The prayers and healing energy has given me strength and rapid recovery that has held until the last two days. This direct Feeling of the immediate effect of these prayers has been a wonderful experience and a demonstration of the power of prayer. I know that I have been the recipient of many prayers over these past four months. And the attendant medical staff have repeatedly expressed amazement at the rapidity of my recoveries which I give credit for to those prayers. So, here is to the power of prayer and to your efforts in this arena. May you be richly blessed for all that you have blessed me.