Matthew 16 15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
In this exchange between Master and disciple, Jesus immediately recognized the Truth Peter articulated came from the power of his heavenly Father. This Truth is more than thought, more than the reasoning mind can conjure up. It is the kind of direct revelation that charges body and soul right down to the cellular level and its clarity lifts the whole being of the devotee into higher realms.
It was the power of this Truth that Jesus was to build his church of Self-realization. As the Master gathered his disciples to himself, he was bringing constituent parts of the whole man together and revealing higher Truth to them so that they would become active conduits for realized thought and service to this world—bringing Christ-consciousness to the individual first, and from them to greater humankind. His work continues to this day in all sincere devotees of Truth.
Renaming Simon Barjona to Peter, which means the unmovable rock of realization, meant Peter was being transformed by his revelation into a higher order of disciple. The fickle human mind will question itself and vacillate, or it sets up a false pretense of knowing what it truly does not know. Only Supreme Truth revealed directly from our Father-God goes beyond duality’s hold and has the power to resist the gates of hell (delusive ignorance), that will not be able to prevail against it.
To have such a revelation requires you go beyond mere human thought. As you deeply meditate you will move through your own thinking world and enter into a perfect calm, a realm of inner stillness—“Be still, and know that I am God.” It is in this still-frame-of-mind that great Truth may emerge from your own depths of connection with God. It will come as self-evident Truth; it may shatter your own closely held beliefs or it may confirm what you have thought previously to be true, only now you know it as pure Truth.
When it comes from God it will be automatically for the highest good of all, though not all may welcome what God has given you. In an oceanic mind a tremendous Truth may rise up and leave barely a ripple, but the power of that Truth will move throughout all creation. You cannot demand the appearance of such Truth, but you can ready your soul to be receptive to it.
Each meditation, when you enter your inner Temple, know you sit on holy ground and all eternity is before you. Great revelations search you out for your receptivity to the Truth that will transform you and the world in which you live into a living Christ-consciousness. There is no greater life to live than this.
Health Update:
Yesterday I took the first step into entering the next phase of my journey to Total Recovery. I have to say, it has been quite the adventure starting March 19 with a large bleed in the brain caused by the growth of melanoma tumors.
Now, I have entered the fourth time of teaching this brain/body to walk again and gain strength. Allopathic treatment has recently focused on the use of steroids and radiation treatment to shrink those tumors. This has been a prelude to the next step, immuno-therapy. The protocol that was suggested to me has just been in place just for this past year, and it was pioneered at my local hospital, who also has one of the top-rated oncologists in this field, and is now my doctor—God is so kind.
I am scheduled to receive a port for infusion to be done once every three weeks for at least the next year. Immuno-therapy ramps up the immune system to seek out and destroy tumors. It is also can attack some of my own healthy organs/glands, such as my thyroid. There are a lot of hypotheticals here, and while “This could happen…and that could happen…” I feel this is a clear opportunity for moving into the future, and my claim for Total Recovery.
I told the doctor, “I am here to get well.” He liked hearing this positive attitude and felt it definitely contributed to better results. He said, “You are a minister?” I said, “Yes, and God is a wild-card which makes all things possible.” This he also readily agreed to. So, we start out on solid footing into this next stage of the journey. It is so lovely to have you journey with me—your loving support has made all the difference. Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram!