The Rose Blooms from the Blood Upon the Cross


This writing is dedicated to all those who follow the Way of the Cross and the Christ. It has been said that one should write with one’s own blood, and this I do. For the Way of the Cross demands everything of who you are, everything you wish to be. And what do you receive in return? Everything that is God becomes our own. You walk this path alone, even as Jesus was stripped of everything, even his dignity as he went the Way of the Cross. Blessings to all who strive to emulate our beloved Christ in every detail—in his crucifixion and in his resurrection.

The Rose Blooms from the Blood Upon the Cross

It is upon this cross that I am nailed. I have come but for this purpose. The past, my limitations and my all is purged from this little cup of my self; for new wine cannot be poured into an old wineskin, least the skin burst at is seams and the elixir is lost.

I cry out in my agony, I writhe and groan, for it is a heavy price that I pay. “I cannot do this,” says my humanness, and yet somehow I do. It is Grace that has put me upon my cross, it keeps there and will not abandon me, ever. However, I am often more aware of my suffering than sweet Grace—that only wants my highest good.

I suffer not just for my soul’s sake, but for all creation. For the lifting of one link of life’s chain lifts all. “Oh Lord, when will this end?” And Grace answers, “When every contaminant has been scoured from the cup, so that nothing of the three lower natures will sour My wine of pure Spirit.” Thus am I nailed, in this way I suffer. But, it is the suffering to end all suffering. The bridge may groan under a tremendous load coming over it, but still it stands. And if this body were to drop off when the work is done? What of it! I have an eternal reward that surpasses the life of this body in the way the sun’s light is greater than the firefly.

My friends, be not afraid. Each cross is perfectly fitted to its wearer. Yours is perfect for you, even as mine has been for me. It is Love that sees you through, it is Love that makes all possible. Go boldly forward, knowing that all is in His sweet hands, shaping your soul into His likeness and image with the utmost care. For you are not different from He; He cares for you even as you love the Infinite Beloved. It is love that gives to love—and the rose blooms in the desert.
