The Seed of Awakening


Early morning hours long before sunrise I sit wrapped in the Bliss of God. Thought streams into the conscious mind; it comes whole, complete and clearly from a Source much greater than my mind. It can come as a complete thought, without words, or it can come as a spontaneous flow of words. It is always fresh, new, even when it concerns concepts I have long entertained. In their newness my understanding grows deeper; it penetrates into the cells and sinews of my Being. I feel a prompting to write down some or all of them. Below are three such thoughts from this morning. By attuning yourself to the spirit of these words you will be lifted up to the same Source from which they have flowed, beyond words or thoughts, into pure Spirit itself.

In winter the tree withdraws into the earth; life becomes “dormant” in the substance from which it originated. Similarly the yogi withdraws the life-force into the trunk of the spine, and then up the spine until it is reabsorbed back in the original Substance from which he or she has come. Winter ensues in which everything above ground can appear dead, while in reality the tree is at rest. Then spring awakens the life-energy of the tree, and the yogi, and life flows throughout the organism making it appear to live once again. The tree and the yogi find their natural rhythm in which they rest, are made to exude life back into the organism, flower, bear fruit, and then withdraw back into the ground-substance from which they have come.

Spiritual life tests the aspirant, and through these tests the sadhaka grows stronger. Ultimately every aspiring soul reaches the limit of what he or she can do and must surrender all effort to Divine Will. Drugs and alcohol on the other hand offer a pseudo comfort that weakens the body and mind, making it dependent on a chemical substance. Rather than passing the test, drug dependence seeks solace in a prison. Free yourself today and boldly walk the earth, moving from victory to victory over limiting forces by becoming a tiger of individual will, and even better, to become an instrument of Divine Will.

It can be wonderfully inspiring to read of tremendous mystic feats, such as the human body melting snow in frigid conditions, walking on water, and flying through the air. However, the moment these descriptions divorce you from God, making you think that you must be far away from the Goal, then immediately dispense with all such thoughts. The greatest of yogis will say that such a miraculous event, while true, is not what is essential to spiritual life. Immersing yourself into the Bliss and Light of God is at the heart of every aspirant. For many the miraculous appeals to the ego-nature, not the God-nature. Therefore miracles are to be avoided due to the tendency of the mind to become sidetracked. God is dwelling in your heart right in this moment. It is the awakening that has been, and is right now occurring in you; even as a seed awakens while still buried in the ground. While the awakened seed is not yet the great tree it is destined to become, no amount of anxious thought will make it grow faster. Let the dream of becoming the fruit ladened tree grow within you, and tend to the needs of the seed right where it is. The miracle of life has already started within you. Water and fertilize the seed with your devotion and by keeping your attention on God. The God-seed within you is destined to stretch its limbs to the Light and merge itself into that self-same Light of God. Victory is assured by ever growing heavenwards.
