Picture: Travellers upon the Silk Route
In ancient days there was a Silk Road Route between China all the way to Italy. Silk, symbol of refinement, and horses, symbol of power, were highly sought after and traded, in addition to spices such a pepper (at one time saffron was about the same cost per ounce as gold); it made for lucrative trade between East and West.
Deep within each of us lies a route of surpassing refinement and power, a rare gift that gives savor to life. This inner route is to be found in the spine and the brain in multiple layers. These routes run north and south, for the base of the spine is the south pole, the top of the head is the north; behind the back is west, in front is east. After running north from the base of the spine to the base of the skull, the route turns east and travels through the brain to the “Star of the East,” at the point between the eyebrows. Then, it turns north once again and travels to the top of the head. A circuit is created along this route and thus there is an exchange as life-force moves round and round.
There is both power (life-energy) and refinement (bliss) in this movement. While a value could be placed upon goods traded in days of yore on the Silk Road, the experience of God in the Silken Road of the spine and brain are beyond compare and thus invaluable. This Silken Road is the pathway to the gold of the spirit, and in our restless search for lasting happiness it alone is the fulfillment of our heart’s desire.
As one can be a connoisseur of fine foods, drink or music, so may one become an aficionado of blissful God-experience. There are no limits to the varied expressions of bliss and the presence of God. The Silken Road of the spine and brain becomes a never ending variation upon a single theme, and thus is bliss a definite experience, identifiable from every other sensory or subtle pleasure, still it is a constantly new exploration of blissful vibrational notes.
This morning I sit watching the sun slowly lighten darkness into a rosy aura. The Aum sings its song of many notes, the eyes close and bliss plays along the spine. The thought of the Silken Road arises in the mind to describe the smooth flow of bliss in the spine and brain. The desire to share this with one and with all wells up inside me; to describe in order to awaken, to think upon others in order to convey this experience, to collapse time and space so that no barriers exist between I and Thou and His blessed children. The curse of leaving the Garden of God is lifted, the redemption of the Soul is at hand, baptized in Living Waters and barren no more–a prayer spontaneously erupts in my mind as a picture of Living Waters flowing into, and lifting all creation into native Spirit; separation but a dream once dreamed long ago.
At one time in life, getting up from meditation would mean the end of this blissful music of the Infinite, but now all life are varied parts of the Creator’s composition–an orchestrated explosion of the Holy Ghost. Oh stalwart brothers and sisters, followers of the Silken Road, know the kingdom of heaven that is only to be found within, experience the bliss supreme of life within and without as an unending symphony of His glorious presence.