While in Banff, Lake Louise and while heading west and south we have been party to an abundance of smoky skies, depending on the winds sometimes thick with smoke, sometimes clear blue skies. It is said that this is the worst year for forest fires in over half a century. Going down a canyon road we drive by a hill with multiple fires on the hill next to us; helicopters flying overhead with large dangling buckets of water going to their appointed tasks of dampening spreading flames; brave hardworking forest firefighters taking a break next to the road with smoke blackened faces.

Up at Williams Lake Dianne D. is performing seva (even while their own home may be threatened) by issuing vouchers to those who escaped from fast running fires, leaving their threatened homes, some with nothing but the clothes on their backs. For the forest’s sake it can be beneficial for the lightning induced fires to burn what they will, renewing the forest in its wake–surprisingly few animals are killed in a forest fire as they flee or find shelter. But it is a hard thing for those who have homes and property in the forest, to lose all according to the whims Agni, god of fire, that consumes one tree and leaves another next to it untouched. Our hearts and prayers go out to those affected by the fires, and for the safety of the firefighters.
As we motor further south the smoke filtered skies go with us–stretching across British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. From Osoyoos through the Okanagon and finally to Twisp, to one degree or another the gray residue of burning forests continues. Just 20 miles away from Winthrop/Twisp there is a fire growing in a wilderness area and we see the residue flowing in, then thinning to blue skies, only to darken once again depending on the wind direction.
Such is this creation, that preservation and destruction are intrical parts of the whole. When a little girl asked Meher Baba, “Why are there wars?” He asked her in return, “Why do you make stinky?” Not that wars are necessary to life, but when humankind lives out of harmony with natural and spiritual law then it is a predictable outcome. In a golden age when natural and spiritual law are observed and lived, then many things out of balance now will be brought into harmony. When a creation becomes so attuned to higher thought and vibrational living then a material world may simply transmute into pure spiritual Being–such things are possible and do happen. However, we are far from such harmony today–though we cannot discount that, like a rising flood, God’s power can sweep over this earth and make it new. How my heart yearns for such a lifting up of one and of all.
The constant rolling of wheels underneath us for the past weeks are currently silent. The river flows by and the earth hums quietly, bringing peace in earth’s flowing currents. It is a time to restore before making the last part of the journey. God has me in His all-powerful, blissful grip and is whispering to me, “Tell one and all to enter into their silent caves of meditation and feel My uplifting power. I yearn to give My devotees all they need to fulfill their heart’s desires, for it is in My power to do so. Tell all, ‘Come to me!’”
Win: While we are here in the Methow Valley Win Smith breathed his last breath. His heart has been pumping less and less life-giving blood. Win talked of living to 120, but his years fell short of that goal. Win has been a wonderful example of staying focused on the Guru through these past 65 years. He often said that Mother was the greatest person he had ever met, and never wavered in his faith in her. He has been generous to this work, giving regularly and generously. In the early 1980s I was injured at work and off of work for a year while I went back to school to finish my degree. One day Win came by with two large boxes of canned vegetables in thoughtful support at the time–I know he and Kathy have helped others as well. In kirtans Win sang with all his heart, he gave bone crushing hugs, and always had some witticism to offer, or a time-tested saying at the ready, and wished everyone well. I know that he is with Mother, and Mother is with him–a joy-filled, heart-filled reunion. I will miss him. It resounds in my mind his wish to all, as he smiles his smile, “Have a cheery day!”