Just a year ago I had been diagnosed with melanoma that had travelled to the small intestines and was thought to be in some of the lymph nodes; I had an operation that removed part of the small intestines and was still quite weak from the previous internal blood loss. A little later in the year I was to visit the hospital again with a resection of the liver due to more melanoma, and the removal of the gallbladder. These have been interesting times!
Thanks to modern medicine these tumors were removed; what I am sure would have been a death sentence in times past when less advanced medical science was available. And thanks to the many prayers and powerful thoughts of so many wonderful souls my recovery was quick, smooth and complete.
Last night we had our annual Christmas carols at Jill and Greg’s, a year ago on the same day I was just being taken by wheelchair to the door of the hospital and into the car for Carla to drive back to Camano. Was that a year ago—or was that another lifetime ago? The memory seems like a dream from the night that loses validity with the dawning of the day.
Today, I feel very well. Today there is no sign of disease. With firm instructions to this body to effectively fight off any future ungoverned growths! Today God is fully present, even as He has been throughout this past year. I truly feel that one of the effects of your prayers and the spiritual work we do is that there is no leave-over, no clinging emotional charges from the events of the past year.
One of the blessings and the curses of the intelligence God has given us as human beings is that we can anticipate future events as well as remember past events as if they are occurring in the moment. If these are useful or pleasant anticipations or memories, then they are blessings. However, if they are not useful and unpleasant, then this faculty of mind becomes a curse. In body memory, such as PTSD, nightmarish dreams, or in waking daydreams these daemons of thought can make life a living hell.
A product of realizing God is to naturally live in the moment. The past is a river whose waters have flowed by and returned to the ocean–something to be remembered, but is now given back to God. The future is in the Infinite’s hands, and if there are concerns for what may come, then faith, trust, and reliance upon the Supreme gives peace in the moment.
So, in celebration of this sacred season we gathered together to sing Christmas carols, so many beautiful and favorite songs that are kept in a special treasure box to be opened and enjoyed only at this time of year. So many loving dear friends all come together, with delicious treats to taste and warmth and love to share. This morning there is a dusting of white snow covering everything as if the world is wrapped in snowy giftwrap. Later we will have our Christmas Service, and more invocations for God-consciousness to be part of everyone’s awareness—for peace on earth, goodwill toward all mankind.
So, if you are here, part of these wonderful, sacred events, or you are in distant places, I earnestly wish you peace, an inner assurance that God is with you and guiding you, and that you feel the warmth and love of association that, in God, effortlessly connects us all, wherever we may be, anywhere around this globe, or beyond.