I continue typing my notes from Anandashram, 20 years ago to the day. It has reminded me of my time there and the transformation I experienced. When it came to Mother’s Mahasamadhi Day, coming up on the 31st, I had a very interesting thing happen that demonstrates how God works in mysterious ways. That even seemingly negative behavior by others can be an expression of His will.
January 31
Ram’s Play of Grace through Rudeness
Yesterday, I sat in a very crowded darshan with Swamiji. Gabriel came in and I patted the only space open, that happened to be next to me. Someone from the door wanted to pass a note through the crowded room and was looking at Gabriel to do it. This is a highly unusual thing to happen, but Gabriel being a pure soul immediately responded, got up and made his way forward with the note to Swamiji. It is to be noted that Gabriel has pain in his legs which makes sitting down on the floor and rising difficult.
An American devotee came in and headed for Gabriel’s spot. I signaled and said, “Gabriel is sitting here.” He responded, “Well, I am now!” and sat himself down. At first, I had a flush of anger, then came a resignation to God’s will. When Gabriel returned, I got up and signaled that he should take my place on the floor. I reasoned that these visitors had few opportunities, as I have had, for the darshan of this great saint—it felt good to give him my seat.
There was literally no space left in the darshan room, so I left. When I returned to my room, I discovered a half-written fax to be sent for Mother’s Mahasamadhi. The fax needed to be completed and taken to town for it to arrive in time for the Seattle Group. Somehow the fax had slipped out of my mind and I thanked God for enacting the play at Swamiji’s darshan so I could complete this important project for Mother.
No Explanation Is Necessary, But Here It Is
Today the friend who took Gabriel’s space came by. “I don’t suppose an explanation is necessary about yesterday, but here it is.” An odd way to start I thought. “When I walked in for darshan I was in one ‘space.’ You said the spot was for Gabriel and you were in another ‘space.’ I wasn’t thinking very quick, just intent on getting a place to sit; that was the ‘space’ I was in. Gabriel, up with Swamiji was in another ‘space.’ Anyway, that is how it all happened, we were all just in different ‘spaces.'” I think this was his way of apologizing! I assured him that it all worked out for good. This friendly response emboldened him to say that some shakti must have been working through him. Satisfied now with his own explanation he shifted on to other topics.
I knew he would have to say something to me about the darshan seating incident, but this was such an interesting explanation–I could not have anticipated what he had said in a million years! On a human level I could have made any number of observations about his “explanation,” but in the end—he was right. This was God’s shakti power working through him in the situation to maneuver me into completing my writing for Mother and still have time to take it into town and send it out to devotees. Jai Guru!
This play of God’s is a fun reminder that no matter the appearances of a thing, God is at work. Sometimes we are in on the plan, sometimes it is simply knowing there is a plan and it is all being worked out according to Divine Will. All is in His Keeping. All is in His will. May He lift us into the awareness that His all-loving, all-knowing Presence is with us no matter what ‘space’ we may be in, or what mask He may wear.