A recurrring theme in many families are cutoffs: when a family member chooses for one reason or another to stop talking and seeing other family members or close friends. There are occasions when someone’s self-destructive behavior or decisions in life make it dangerous or unwise to maintain contact. However, there are many other times when such cutoffs are the result of being angry with another for minor reasons. Some people and families have a history of cutting others off as a weapon of choice for showing displeasure. This is highly destructive to the individual and hurtful to others.
The counterbalancing notion to such cutoffs is to know that in the supreme consciousness of God there can be no separation–ever. The idea of cutting others off requires a great deal of psychic energy, and ironically that intensity demands an even closer connection–being greatly present through absence. The other irony is that the one doing the cutoff denies having full participation with the whole family, something they very often care a great deal about. This self-imposed exile limits the feeling of wholeness and therefore any sense completeness–a tremendous price to pay.
To transcend such cutoffs you simply acknowledge that God is, that God is in every individual, and that we are all connected through universal Divine Consciousness. Whether someone is living or no longer in the body, whether there is physical contact or not, in God-consciousness we are all intrinsically part of one another–to acknowledge this on a deep level removes all artificial barriers. God-consciousness is the healing balm that soothes all wounds and unifies life.
The truth is, we have all fallen short of the goal of perfection at various times during our incarnations–no one has done it perfectly all of the time. To hold some artificial notion of perfection for ourselves or others simply does not match reality. This is not excuse making for bad behavior, it is just the way that creation operates. If we have all fallen short, then who of us wants to be frozen in time when we have been something less than our best? We must all be allowed to grow, change and evolve.
Now, if there are those who exhibit behavior that is destructive, then we may, for a time, create a cutoff; for instance, we may not allow a murderer into a family home, or an abuser to be around children–in other words, to set sensible limitations. But even then, offending individuals may be in our thoughts and prayers, seeing them as the children of God as they truly are in their immortal souls. One day they will grow into who and what they are in God, but for today they may be kept at a an arm’s distance–all the while, in heart, mind and soul, they are held in the pure light of being just as God created them from the foundations of this universe.
Let us practice seeing the best in one and all, the purity of being that each one intrinsically has from his or her Creator. If an individual actively shows progress, then he may be given gradual access to new situations to further demonstrate improvements. If old behaviors arise, then distance may be the best feedback for learning, and at the very least keeping them from further damaging themselves or others. Higher spiritual perception does not make one a weak doormat, willing to accept the unacceptable. But, the devotee always looks to see the higher nature deeply residing in the heart and soul of every soul from God (and where else can a soul come from but from God?).
Holding the universal vision purifies your heart, and it gives a needed boost to the one who offends against his own soul. Papa felt the greatest thing he could do for another is see God in him. Through such persistent thoughts by others the God-nature is awakened, and, the perceiver of God’s light is transformed through their continued practice of seeing God in all. Such is the power of God-aligned thoughts, that this world cleaved by strife and warfare, cutoffs and separations may be lifted into higher Consciousness. The Lord our God, the Lord is one! One Being, one Consciousness, one Reality that is all-pervasive and everywhere present. Let us look past the little snubs and separations and know the unifying principle that weaves this world into a oneness of beauty and light.