Will Power is a fundamental part of our individuality. It can be used for noble, constructive purposes or it can equally be used to degrade life and be so weakened that we feel that we have lost ourselves. Even when we feel helpless in life against bad habits that work against us, we are actually using great amount of will power—only in the negative.
Take someone, for instance, who has a drug addiction. That one may feel helplessly caught in the addiction, however when it comes to feeding the habit there is no end to the creativity and lengths that one will go to find the means for satisfying his craving—that is an example of negative will power in action.
Tap into that same will power and train it to seek out good and positive ends, and what had seemed to be helplessness turns into empowerment. You can visualize your Self as the highest and best core part of you, who operates through your ego-self who in turn exercises will power through the mind and body. A spiritually tuned will is sensitively aligned to the Self, or God’s will. The Self always takes action for the highest good of everyone concerned and leads the soul to ultimate spiritual freedom.
The opposite of surrender to Divine Will is a mind driven by the dictates of the body, as well as people and circumstances around you. The little self feels it does not have a choice in life when faced with the demands by the body and from social pressure. Once again, when properly analyzed, great will power is being employed by the self to meet the cravings of the body and the expectations from others, only it chooses to please others at the sacrifice of the self. You feel caught in a world of no choices, only you will go to great lengths to do this, using a very strong will to so. Let us take another example, you have a fear of heights and you approach a cliff. Your reaction to falling will be swift and powerful to avoid the edge of the cliff—a remarkable use of will in the moment.
Recognizing how powerful your will is—even when used for ends that do not serve you well—can be the beginning of “owning” your will. Then it is a matter of going to the roots of your will power and learning to direct it to positive ends.
I have had great opportunities to do just that during my recovery. What before operated automatically through the left side of my body as muscle memory, had to be learned all over again. The power to walk entails so much communication between the brain and the body—millions of calculations going on throughout this process. It something that we can take for granted when it is a well-worn pathway in the brain, nervous system and muscular system. Take those pathways away and now we are a toddler taking uncertain steps in a brand-new world.
Relearning to walk means every step is done mindfully and with great intention—the power of will consciously used. Fortunately, as an adult I have awareness that transcends that of the toddler. I use the imaging power of my brain to mentally see myself taking steps smoothly, with strength and confidence, all the while remaining mindfully aware of staying safe. Mentally, I connect these actions coming from my core self, which in turn flows from my deeper Self—thus, even ordinary action becomes an expression of Divine Will. This inner attunement to spiritual grace greatly speeds up healing.
When I stand, I feel the movement of life-force flowing from behind me from an unlimited Source that enters the body through the back of my head and along my spine. This connection keeps me linked to the source of my strength and when the body is exhausted from the effort, I keep that openness to the infinite supply of Spirit. I also affirm that I am made in the likeness and image of perfect Divine Consciousness, and that all things are possible and doable through Grace. Individual will attuned to Divine Will makes for our greatest advancement physically, mentally and spiritually.
Health Update: My brain continues to heal. I am sometimes surprised how everyday activities can tire the body and then the amount of rest it asks for afterwards. Everyday there continues to be new “firsts.” I take several trips a day the length of the house walking with the quad cane with Carla spotting me every step of the way, and have even taken forays without using a cane at all. My left leg and arm continue to build strength and stamina—taking simple steps has never felt so good. Nerve pain caused by the brain sending signals through the wrong nerve pathways is slowly decreasing. So, there is much to be grateful for and as always you, as members of Team Total Recovery, are at the top of my gratitude list.