Yoga, as we know, is far more than a system of physical exercises, but a complete set of methods that seeks to give the ideal physical, mental and spiritual health. Through Kriya Yoga we are given the highest teachings to attain awakened spiritual enlightenment by developing the higher centers of consciousness in the spine and the brain. Yoga is a practical philosophy with measurable goals to be attained in physical health and enlightenment.
Applying these methods during my time in rehab has made it possible for me to make progress that astonished the various therapists working with me. Here are some of the methods and results:
Meditation—Of course meditation is at the core of our spiritual practice. While there are many benefits to this practice, its ultimate goal of being established in the Self has been of enormous value. The Self remains unmoved in a world of constant change. This un-movability keeps the changeable/reactive self rooted in the immutable core of Being. As a result there is not wasted energy in fear and uncertainty. Rather the mind is focused on what needs to happen now—this is of great benefit in rehab as total focus of the mind is needed for even the simplest of actions.
Faith and Devotion—A feeling of love and devotion for God gives one a sense of connectedness and removes the feeling of isolation that can come with circumstances in which one feels a lack of control. Feeling that God and Gurus are with you each step of the way brings strength and a knowledge that all is going according to the Divine Plan. The hand of God is ever with you in the most loving way. When pain comes it is turned over to God and you are given the ability to endure it or rise above it. Your best Friend is always with you, and this is a wonderful comfort.
Gratitude—Through a long history of being conscious for that which makes you grateful to your Creator, you are aware of more than the challenges you face and see unnumbered things to be grateful for. This is no small thing when healing from an injury.
Energization Exercises—Master gave us a gift through his Energization Exercises. As I lay in bed in the early morning hours I practiced tensing and releasing and feeling the life-force flowing into body parts. Even those parts in my leg and arm that did not respond to physical tensing, I have no doubt were being awakened by the mental focus of guiding energy to those muscle groups. As they woke up, the tensing started with minute movement, and it has grown stronger and is done with more control.
Alternate Nose Breathing—Erin lovingly sent me information on the benefits of alternate nose breathing—They have done studies for stroke patients in rehab and it has been proven to speed up the recovery time. Early morning hours have been set aside for this practice, as well as sporadic times during the day. This practice has a calming effect along with improved focus for the mind.
Discernment—With Spiritual attunement comes discernment for what is true. On different occasions nurses gave me their own ideas as facts, that were untrue. The first occasion the nurse said in conversation, that of course I had a stroke, as I was older. Just like a car wears out and needs a new transmission, or other repairs, we will get sick and wear out with age, then she walked out of the room. Later when she returned I said that I had thought about what she said. I said, “Our bodies are different than machines. A car cannot repair itself, and even in this moment my body is doing just that in a miraculous way. Our bodies are working miracles and that right nutrition, right thinking and God can heal what ails the body. She agreed and in a short time she changed from someone who looked to be carrying the world on her shoulders, and she was smiling, laughing, and took wonderful care of me—in the end as I was leaving she gave me a big hug and said how sorry she was that I was leaving.
In another case a nurse who had taken good care of me, said it was only a matter of time before I had another stroke. I said, “I don’t agree. I will follow the doctor’s instructions,” which was what she wanted to scare me into, “I understand there are statistics, but I am not a statistic and that God’s will reigns supreme, and if He wills it I will recover my full health.”
Such messages received by a weakened mind can be receptive soil and give birth to self-fulfilling prophesies. I utterly rejected them then, and I still do. We must be careful that our thoughts and words comport with highest truth to promote the greatest good.
Prana Life-Force—Life-force or Prana is the underlying cause of healing working through the cells and our intelligence. It also gives us the power of movement. There were many times a day that I focused my mind at the back of my head and along my spine to move this body when I was standing, walking and moving my arm and I felt the difference.
Clearing/Charging Breath—Many of you who have taken the class will know the Clearing/Charging Breath which I have freely employed throughout my rehab time and has proven to be extremely useful for pain relief, and I plan to use more of the Charging Breath going into the future for strengthening different body parts.
Chanting—Chanting is unparalleled for keeping the mind on God and feeling His Bliss.
Spiritual Family and Kindred Spirits—The great good that has come from this time is the love and support I have received from our spiritual family and kindred spirits around the world. I have felt the power of prayer and received cards and email that reflect the Godhood in devotees in ways I have not seen manifest before. I do believe there is a swell of spiritual consciousness that is lifting us higher, and for that I have tremendous gratitude.
Gratitude for All That I have been Given—The value of these yoga methods cannot be overstated, and I am filled with gratitude for God and Gurus and His Saints through whom His Grace flows. Every day Carla and I visited St. Francis statue in the Healing Garden, we pronamed to him and asked his blessing for all the patients in the hospital and all the care givers as well. What Grace has poured on this head and blessed me in untold ways.