Being active is a consequence of being in a physical body: your heart pumps, thoughts flow, muscles move—everywhere you look creation is an expression of life-energy. Here in the desert there is a surprising amount of life. There are remarkable varieties of cactus, odd looking Kangaroo rats with long back legs, magnificent vultures flying over the peak named after them; these names may not seem appealing, but they are all quite interesting, and amazing to see. One note of caution though, there is a variety of Teddy Bear cactus that may seem like something soft you could hold like a teddy bear; however, do not be deceived, these have vicious spines that have painful microscopic barbs that don’t like to let go once attached!
Throughout all of this magnificent desert vital life-force flows and animates all we see. Mountains, plants, birds are all vibrant and live mostly by nature’s design, leaving little room for independence. When you get into the higher forms of mammals you see more exercise of will and independence, but only with the human being do you see a real development of abstract thought, self-reflection, and an independence of will that can either go seriously astray from original design, or else those life-forces are mastered and transformed into transcendent Consciousness. Sinners and saints are almost exclusively the province of the human species.
During this cycle in the planet’s evolution there are times when we have seen more of the sinner than the saint, but the innate capacity for divinity is ever present in one and all. Some of the most magnificent scripture ever penned comes from St. John and bears this inherent potential out: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. (John 1:1-5)
The mystery is how the Light can shine in the darkness and it is not seen? The Vedas explain the inexplicable by the means of Maya: a veil of delusion that makes creation ignorant of its own Divinity. Maya does not alter the Eternal Substance that is God, but it is a slight of hand that makes the darkness, creation, incapable of comprehending the ever-present Light.

However, there is a built-in failsafe; the Savior is the Light seeded in humanity and is present in everything that is made. So, the thing is to discover that Reality; to accept deeply into your being the light of truth that has always been with you. No individual man could ever match the description of this universal Savior, so the notion that Jesus is the exclusive expression of that Light flies in the face of the fact that that Light is in every person walking the earth. The Light was awakened in our dear savior Jesus, even as it can become awakened in each and every one of us.
This is the good news of the gospel, it is more than good news, but superlatives seem not to touch the essence of this great revelation; God with us and God born in man; God is a Reality that you may know in truth through direct inner experience. In fact, we are all made up of God-stuff; and this remarkable news has yet to be known by an unsuspecting humanity. Emmanuel, God with us, is really that, God with us in every human being!
It is your inborn Light of Dharma that demands you awaken to this greater Reality. You close your eyes, go within and you discover sacred life-force flowing throughout your being; then your divine awareness expands out to the furthest reaches of space. With the inner sight awakened you open your two eyes and you comprehend the same sacred force operating through all of nature, in all of humanity, in every living thing in space. You have awakened to Christ Consciousness, you have ascended and in seeing this you know the Heavenly Father—you realize, you are That.
Surely you see that, do you not? Surely God is awakening this Reality in you–how can He not? I only write what He writes through this form, and His word cannot be stillborn, but must live and find fulfillment in you. This is the reason you are here, and that destiny must be fulfilled in you. Having realized this eternal Truth, when you act you serve. For now you only live to serve the One who is in all. You heart pumps, thoughts flow and muscles move, and it is all an expression of the Light in you in service to the Light in all. You are the fulfillment of the sacred scriptures.